– a 10 week series about daily choices and practices that can help you cultivate your faith – from September 10th to Nov 12th.
(This series is available at both worship services – gathering and traditional.)
Daily Matters…
As you know, this present 10 part sermon series has offered (optional) daily homework sheets to take home and further cultivate the Daily Matters we consider each week. For the final 5 weeks of the Daily Matters Series, another step will be offered. We will be offering a mid-week 45 minute small group/ “refuel” – to provide an arena for deeper dialogue, insight, encouragement, prayer and mutual support. To accommodate schedules (not everyone is available mornings/ evenings), the small group will be offered twice on Wednesdays; 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. -both in the Parlour. The actual dates will be October 18, 25, November 1, 8 and 15. This is another and different opportunity to cultivate your daily faith. Please use kitchen entrance beside the garage between Church House and the main building.