This is extracted from the Bulletin for Sunday, June 14, 2015.
It is my happy duty to share the following important and three part announcement.
You are all invited and urged to attend worship on Sunday June 28, for the purpose of hearing a candidate preach for the call at MacNab Street Presbyterian Church.
You are hereby cited to attend a congregational meeting immediately following that service on June 28, for the purpose of voting on the acceptance of that candidate.
For these reasons, you are also invited to a “Meet and Greet” social time on Saturday June 27, at the church, to meet the candidate, and the candidate’s spouse, from the time of 10.00 am to 12.30 pm.
It is critical that all members and adherents participate in this process.
Please note, that for the sake of the candidate’s own church relationship, the name of the candidate is to remain confidential until the Meet and Greet opportunity.
Rev. Bob Geddes – Interim Moderator