THE STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE are planning a fundraiser:
“THE BIG EVENT” to be held in Johnston Hall on
Friday, November 1- 7:00pm.
Please circle the date on your calendar now!
This event will be successful only with your help, donations and of course being there. Beginning Sunday, September 8th during coffee hour please sign the “Auction Donation Sheet” indicating what you plan to donate. Thank you for your donations!
During October we will receive donations (see Marilyn) towards the Silent Auction. Suggestions: new gift items, gift certificates, gifts in kind, jewellery, antiques, and those famous home made items and baked goods as well! By mid-October a list of items will be posted in the Hall for you to have a sneak peak of auction items! The evening will end with a reception of sweet trays, coffee and tea. Monies raised will go towards our 2013 budget shortfall. Thanks again for your support.
If you have any questions, a donation or will help, please contact Marilyn Repchuck.