Yesterday evening, on Wednesday, July 15, 2014 at a specially arranged meeting open to all, the Hamilton Presbytery voted in favour of the Call by MacNab for Rev. Steve Baldry to become its Minister. And Rev. Baldry accepted the Call.
In an email to Session from MacNab’s Clerk, Kevin Russell, wrote, “At tonight’s meeting of the Presbytery of Hamilton the call to Steve Baldry was approved by Presbytery and accepted by Steve. If all proceeds as planned Steve will begin his time with us on September 8th and his service of induction will be 3:00 p.m. on September 13th.” In a strong show of support from MacNab, it was reported that almost 90% of the members were able to sign the Call.
There were congregants and friends of Rev. Baldry in good numbers and many kind words and good wishes from both his former church members at Chedoke, and from MacNab’s hard-working Search Committee. We are truly fortunate to have such a skilled and gifted spiritual leader starting in September.
A brief Bio of Rev. Baldry follows:
Steven Baldry was born and raised in Peterborough, the youngest of 6 children. From 1983 to 1998, he was on the pastoring staff of Philpott Memorial Church, the last 5 years as Senior Pastor. He joined the staff of Chedoke Presbyterian Church in 2000, and has been with them to the present. He has served in the current position of Director of Christian Education for over 12 years. His education includes a Masters of Divinity from Tyndale University College, and a Masters of Theological Studies from Knox College. He was ordained in 1985.
Steve has a strong sense of mobilizing the entire community of faith using the diversity of gifts as portioned by God under the headship of Christ. Some of the programming at Chedoke under Steve’s leadership and initiative have included Chedoke’s successful after school drop in, the production and publishing of “Rappin’ Up the Bible” a DVD educational tool for the young and young at heart, and oversight of Chedoke’s Sunday evening services and activities.
Steve has been identified by the search committee as having three priority skills ideally suited to MacNab at this time: preaching, pastoral care and a proven track record at connecting with a younger demographic.
Steve is married to Andrea, and their 4 children range in age from 17 to 25. Steve enjoys jogging, biking, camping, and just about anything else that involves fresh air.